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VOICE IS IN NORWEGIAN: Transform, transform, transform!
My guides have planted the word with me a remarkable number of times in recent weeks. It started as a conversation with a close friend and has since come up in a series of different contexts: in dreams, articles, in meditations, and in conversations.
My guides have clearly highlighted transformation as a key concept and made me aware that something transformative is happening.
This guided healing meditation was channeled down a morning when I actually had other plans, but the power became so clear that I just had to get ready to channel whatever came.
It was simply a transformative and magical experience that I can't wait to share with you!
In this guided healing meditation, we are invited into a profound power, aimed at transforming us on a spiritual, physical and mental level. The goal is to connect the heart and brain more closely, strengthen our heart guidance and deepen the connection with our intuition.
In the realm of the heart, we discover a subtle yet powerful intelligence that guides us toward inner balance. When we let go of the control of our mind and allow our heart to be our guide, we open the door to a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us. This spiritual transformation is not only beneficial, it is necessary for our full flowering. The heart is not just a pump of blood; it is the seat of empathy, love, and a source of limitless wisdom. When we choose to listen to the voice of our heart, every action becomes a dance of compassion, and every moment becomes an opportunity to express love.
Through guidance from intelligent spiritual teams such as the Gold Team, the Heart Team, and the Vibration Team, I hope this experience will be as amazing and transformative for you as it has been for me.
Did you know that something so seemingly simple can have a huge impact on both body, soul and mind? When you open yourself up to the possibilities that my guided healing meditations can offer, you also open the doors to a deep inner transformation. This practice can truly have a significant effect on your physical, mental and spiritual well-being. As you enter a state of relaxation and openness under my guidance, you allow yourself to be guided to your inner self. Through a combination of relaxing music, my voice guiding you digitally and the help of my "guides", you are guided to be able to release stress, blockages and initiate processes for your own self-healing.
This healing practice can have several benefits. You may experience increased mental clarity and concentration, reduced stress and anxiety, improved sleep quality, and a deep sense of inner peace and balance. Guided healing meditation can also strengthen your ability to cope with challenges and improve your overall quality of life. By giving yourself time to practice guided healing meditation, you are also sending a powerful message to your body to prioritize self-care and well-being. You are creating a space for healing and positive growth that can impact every aspect of your life.
So take a moment for yourself, find a quiet place, and let my guided healing meditations lead you on a journey towards your true potential. Through this practice, you will be able to discover a deep connection with yourself and experience a world of inner strength, healing, and positive change.
The feedback on the healing meditations is fantastic, but the effect cannot be guaranteed.
It is important to emphasize that the healing meditations are not intended to diagnose or treat illness, or be a substitute for medical supervision. For treatment of illness, the individual is referred to their physician.
After payment, links to download files will appear on the website. In addition, you will receive an order confirmation and a separate email with links to download files. The number of downloads is limited, so please note where the files are stored on your device.
All guided meditations are part of the training and teaching program. The healing meditations are protected by copyright. The text is channeled, written and read by Susanne herself.
This file is for personal use only. All rights reserved. Copying, distributing, sharing, publishing or modifying the file is strictly prohibited.

Denne var ganske heftig, på en god måte, i forhold til alle andre healinger eg har brukt fra Susanne. Eg opplever ofte risting i skuldrene, hode beveger seg opp og ned og til siden, og har i perioder ikkje kontroll på pusten, det går ofte i hyperventilering blant annet. Under Transformer skjedde det same igjen, men plutselig skjer noe nytt. Armene mine blei løfta opp fra gulvet denne gang, og så får eg plutselig masse grimaser i ansiktet, munnen opner seg i et gap, hodet løfter seg og halsen blir liksom tett, så opner det seg i halsen og ut av munnen pøser bare pusten ut. Dette skjedde 3 ganger under healingen, den siste var ikkje fullt så heftig. Det føltes som om det passerte masse grums og gruff ut via munnen da det stod på. ✨️ Eg følte meg veldig trygg under hele prosessen, og slapper alltid godt av mens eg hører på. 🩷 Er så utrulig takknemlig for kver healing Susanne
Jeg har hatt stor nytte av Healingene til Susanne. De har vært en god støttte gjennom en tung tid med sykdom. Susanne er en varm og god person, som er genuint opptatt av å hjelpe andre, noe som gjenspeiler seg i healingene.
Føler en dyp ro. Kjenner at tanker slutter å dominere og jeg kommer lengre ned i kroppen og hjerte.
Jeg har fått hjelp av Susanne over flere år. Det har styrket meg både fysisk og mentalt. I starten var jeg ganske skeptisk og synes nesten det var litt småskummelt. Hvordan var det mulig? Det skjedde så mye rart. Så fant jeg ut at det ikke var nødvendig å forstå alt, slik som jeg var vant til. Jeg har fått ett nytt liv, særlig når det kommer til å stå i krevende saker. Healingene styrker meg i hverdagen, og når det er noe spesielt, som stress eller smerter. Kan ikke tenke meg et liv uten disse healingene.
Evig takknemlig🙏❤️
Kjære Susanne💜
Ved å høyra på dine healingar blir eg fylt opp av håp, tru og kjærleik. Eg blir rolig, avslappa og eg kjenner på tillit og tryggheit.
Dei har hjelpt meg veldig mykje nå i ein periode med utbrentheit og fysisk sjukdom og mykje smerte. Eg venta i over 8 mnd på operasjon og mitt liv blei veldig snevert, då var dine healinger så verdifulle for meg. Tusen tusen takk for att dere sprer håp og kjærleik ❤️ også via podkast🥰
Denne reisa er heilt fantastisk, eg gler meg til å gå den vidare.
Mvh Olaug Karin🫶