All meditations associated with the Oracle cards. Cards not included.
All meditations associated with the Oracle cards. Cards not included.
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VOICE IS IN NORWEGIAN: NB: The physical cards must be purchased separately or in another combination pack.
Heal by Susanne meditations associated with Oracle cards - a deeper connection with your inner wisdom through guided meditations.
At the heart of my new oracle cards is also an invitation to explore your inner landscape and promote personal growth and healing through unique guided healing meditations.
Each card is carefully designed to guide you towards a specific guided healing meditation, tailored to meet your current needs and circumstances. By following these recommendations, you can unlock deeper layers of insight and understanding, thereby enriching your spiritual experience and supporting your healing journey.✨ This pack of meditations includes all mentioned in the deck.
The contents of this pack are a treasure trove of 25 selected guided healing meditations, each with its own unique purpose and potential for spiritual development and inner transformation. Remember to purchase the cards separately or in a combination pack.
1. Self-Healing 1.0- Introduction to physical, mental and spiritual self-healing.
2. Self-Healing 2.0- We go a little further with extra focus to promote physical, emotional and spiritual healing.
3. Self-Healing 3.0 - Deeper into the art of healing oneself on a spiritual level.
4. Self-Healing 4.0 - Mastering self-healing to achieve complete harmony and balance.
5. Your Guardian Angel - Establish a connection with your guardian angel for guidance and protection.
6. Abilities - Explore and strengthen your unique spiritual abilities.
7. Pet and Owner - Strengthen the bond between you and your pet through healing energy.
8. Energy boost- Get an instant boost of vital energy.
9. Vagus magic- Use the power of the vagus nerve to promote relaxation and well-being.
10. Protection - Learn techniques to create a protective energetic barrier.
11. Stress Management - Effective meditations to reduce stress and anxiety.
12. Love Magic - Open your heart to love and healing.
13. Souls - Connect to the deeper wisdom of the soul and achieve contact with the "other side"
14. Upgrade - Take your spiritual practice to a new level.
15. Replenish Power - Renew your energy and vitality.
16. Morning Magic - Start your day with positive energy and intentions.
17. Let go - Learn to let go of what no longer serves you.
18. Strengthen your intuition - Develop and trust your inner guidance.
19. Heal Your Inner Child - Healing and caring for your inner child.
20. Chakra and aura magic- Balance your chakras and cleanse your aura.
21. Create inner peace - Find peace and quiet within.
22. Body Harmony - Promote overall well-being and bodily harmony.
23. Sleep - Achieve deep and restorative sleep.
24. Manifest - Use your power to manifest your dreams and goals.
25. Hormone Magic - Balance your hormones through healing energy and meditation.
With this collection by your side, you are invited to take the step into a richer, more fulfilled life, where you can discover and utilize your full potential for healing and growth.

Jeg prøver nå ut Susannes healingkort - og meditasjonsfiler: Ett kort med én tilhørende meditasjon hver dag. Jeg ser at jeg trekker selvhealing 1.0 og 2.0 oftest så langt - med litt kjærlighetsmagi og litt aura-chakra healing innimellom. Det er SÅ interessant å kjenne på hvor mye man kan forløse gjennom en slik energetisk detox🩷✨🙏
Heia Susanne og Erik❣️
Jeg heier på dere for dere skaper så fantastiske, interessante og lærerike podkaster som tydeligvis berører så mange mennesker💞Har hørt alle sammen på forholdsvis kort tid og det med stor glede😊🙏 ♥️ Susanne, dine Healing-meditasjoner og Lysspråk-kanaliseringer, m/eller uten tolkninger, er berørende og virksomme på alle mulige måter. Det kjennes tydelig i kroppen at energiene jobber i meg og med meg, spesielt når jeg går inn i healing-meditasjonene. Har brukt: Vagusmagi, Gi slipp på fortiden, Kjærlighetsmagi og Søvnhealing, alle flere ganger. Føler meg alltid ‘lettere, ledigere og gladere’ i kroppen etterpå (eller når jeg våkner). Har ingen større opplevelser å fortelle om foreløpig, bare energivibreringer. Ord blir fattige til å beskrive det bånn-solide spirituelle arbeidet dere begge to gjør. Jeg er dypt takknemlig🙏💜Og takk for noen nydelige og vakre orakelkort.🙏 Takk for at dere er de dere er, godt forankret i dere selv, på sjelens vei. 💚♥️
Spirituelle hilsner fra Monica 🥰 💜