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Morning magic

Morning magic

Regular price 499,00 NOK
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VOICE IS IN NORWEGIAN: Do you want a magical start to your day? In this healing meditation, the goal is to give you an optimal start to your day! It only lasts 12 minutes, so you can get an effective and beautiful start.

Susanne invites in her "helpers" to give you more replenishment, and assist you in optimizing your potential for the day. A collective programming is channeled through the language of light, and Susanne guides you to receive power where it is needed most, right today!

Are you going to a job interview? Maybe have an important meeting? Do you need strength to have a difficult conversation? Are you tired? Do you just want a positive start to the day? Then this is the right healing meditation for you!

This meditation was channeled down the day after a joint guided healing with 220 participants in the course "Create your dream life"! The power was enormous during the session, and the next morning Susanne felt a very special power that needed an outlet. She was told to create a shorter healing meditation with good strength and effectiveness that could suit everyone. The result was a strong and effective healing with an enormous presence of love power and light.

This healing can be used daily, or as needed. Can be combined with other guided healings.

FYI: There will always be individual differences. Effect can never be guaranteed. Are you sick? Always contact a certified healthcare professional.



Did you know that something so seemingly simple can have a huge impact on both body, soul and mind? When you open yourself up to the possibilities that my guided healing meditations can offer, you also open the doors to a deep inner transformation. This practice can truly have a significant effect on your physical, mental and spiritual well-being. As you enter a state of relaxation and openness under my guidance, you allow yourself to be guided to your inner self. Through a combination of relaxing music, my voice guiding you digitally and the help of my "guides", you are guided to be able to release stress, blockages and initiate processes for your own self-healing.

This healing practice can have several benefits. You may experience increased mental clarity and concentration, reduced stress and anxiety, improved sleep quality, and a deep sense of inner peace and balance. Guided healing meditation can also strengthen your ability to cope with challenges and improve your overall quality of life. By giving yourself time to practice guided healing meditation, you are also sending a powerful message to your body to prioritize self-care and well-being. You are creating a space for healing and positive growth that can impact every aspect of your life.

So take a moment for yourself, find a quiet place, and let my guided healing meditations lead you on a journey towards your true potential. Through this practice, you will be able to discover a deep connection with yourself and experience a world of inner strength, healing, and positive change.


The feedback on the healing meditations is fantastic, but the effect cannot be guaranteed.

It is important to emphasize that the healing meditations are not intended to diagnose or treat illness, or be a substitute for medical supervision. For treatment of illness, the individual is referred to their physician.


After payment, links to download files will appear on the website. In addition, you will receive an order confirmation and a separate email with links to download files. The number of downloads is limited, so please note where the files are stored on your device.


All guided meditations are part of the training and teaching program. The healing meditations are protected by copyright. The text is channeled, written and read by Susanne herself.

This file is for personal use only. All rights reserved. Copying, distributing, sharing, publishing or modifying the file is strictly prohibited.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Marianna H.

Nydelig start på dagen! Anbefales!

Tone L.

Hei Susanne.
Jeg har hatt mange flotte følelser etter jeg startet med healing fra deg. Har brukt «morgen healing» «Selvhelbredelse» og «beskyttelse». Når jeg tok en av de så jeg fysisk inni øynene som du ser på stjernehimmelen, masse hvite prikker som flimret. En annen healing så jeg de samme, men de var blå, og like etterpå ba du inn det blå teamet.
Har holdt på noen uker nå og med sikkerhet kan jeg si at min depresjon er blitt mindre tilstede! Jeg har nå mere «trua» på meg selv!!! Jeg er nå mer glad i meg selv!!!! Selvtilliten er stigende. Og dermed får jentene mine det bedre. Jeg kan nå føle og gi mer kjærlighet til de. Så absolutt har jeg en forbedring i mitt liv. Gleder meg til å laste ned flere healinger og prøve. Stort hjerte til deg og Erik for flott podcast og den jobben dere gjør. Dere kan bruke denne anmeldelsen som dere vil.
Mvh Tone.

Anne B.H.
Morgen magi

Denne er det bare så fantastisk å våkne til. Setter den på ca 15 minutter før jeg skal stå opp, så hører alltid på denne mens jeg ligger i sengen. Det er så behagelig å bli guidet igjennom denne, og når Susanne begynner å fortelle om fargene og kraften hver farge gir, så kribler det litt i hele kroppen. Og lysspråket er ekstra behagelig her. Dette er beste måten å starte dagen på, full av energi og ekstra lykke i kroppen etterpå. Anbefales.