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Find your birth vision

Find your birth vision

Regular price 499,00 NOK
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VOICE IS IN NORWEGIAN: "You have to help people live their birth vision, Susanne!"

I could swear I heard a voice clearly inside my ear! Was I dreaming?

I lie awake for a few minutes before I go back to sleep. Suddenly I feel currents running through my entire body, another important reminder that what I'm hearing is actually quite real.

Birth vision! I hear the word again loud and clear and before I know it I have picked up my phone to record a channeling. I get a strong feeling from the guides that most people are NOT living out their birth vision and that they now want to help those who are ready to change this!

I noticed that facts emerge in the channeling that I am not aware of beforehand. Just let the words flow through my mouth, while I feel enormous feelings of love and light in and around my body. I had heard the word life vision before, but the word birth vision is very new to me!

In this guided healing meditation, the guides explain that the birth vision is not just an idea or a goal, it is a deep understanding of your life path that is connected to your soul and your higher purpose. When we begin to listen to our inner voice and follow our heart's desires, we find guidance from our spirit guides and a deeper connection with the universe.

When we live in accordance with our birth vision, we experience a natural flow in life. Things seem to fall into place, and we attract what we want in a natural and harmonious way. This is because we are in tune with the energy of the universe, and we send out positive vibrations that attract that which is in line with our intention.

When we follow our birth vision, it is not just about pursuing success or external achievements, but rather about living a life that is authentic and meaningful to us. We understand that true happiness comes from doing what we love and living in accordance with our inner values. This brings a deep sense of satisfaction and fulfillment that cannot be achieved through external achievements alone.

When we are in harmony with our birth vision, we are also more open to receiving guidance and support from our spirit guides. These guides are with us on our journey to help us navigate life's challenges and discover our true purpose. When we listen to their wisdom and allow ourselves to be guided by them, we experience a deeper connection with our own soul and the divine.

In this guided healing meditation, the goal is to be able to go inside ourselves and listen to the still voice that guides us towards our birth vision. It will help you allow yourself to follow your heart and live a life that is true to you. In this way, you will be able to discover the deepest gift you have to offer the world and experience the true joy and fulfillment that comes from living a life that is in alignment with your purpose.


Did you know that something so seemingly simple can have a huge impact on both body, soul and mind? When you open yourself up to the possibilities that my guided healing meditations can offer, you also open the doors to a deep inner transformation. This practice can truly have a significant effect on your physical, mental and spiritual well-being. As you enter a state of relaxation and openness under my guidance, you allow yourself to be guided to your inner self. Through a combination of relaxing music, my voice guiding you digitally and the help of my "guides", you are guided to be able to release stress, blockages and initiate processes for your own self-healing.

This healing practice can have several benefits. You may experience increased mental clarity and concentration, reduced stress and anxiety, improved sleep quality, and a deep sense of inner peace and balance. Guided healing meditation can also strengthen your ability to cope with challenges and improve your overall quality of life. By giving yourself time to practice guided healing meditation, you are also sending a powerful message to your body to prioritize self-care and well-being. You are creating a space for healing and positive growth that can impact every aspect of your life.

So take a moment for yourself, find a quiet place, and let my guided healing meditations lead you on a journey towards your true potential. Through this practice, you will be able to discover a deep connection with yourself and experience a world of inner strength, healing, and positive change.


The feedback on the healing meditations is fantastic, but the effect cannot be guaranteed.

It is important to emphasize that the healing meditations are not intended to diagnose or treat illness, or be a substitute for medical supervision. For treatment of illness, the individual is referred to their physician.


After payment, links to download files will appear on the website. In addition, you will receive an order confirmation and a separate email with links to download files. The number of downloads is limited, so please note where the files are stored on your device.


All guided meditations are part of the training and teaching program. The healing meditations are protected by copyright. The text is channeled, written and read by Susanne herself.

This file is for personal use only. All rights reserved. Copying, distributing, sharing, publishing or modifying the file is strictly prohibited.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 10 reviews
Anine L.L.
Dører åpnes

Tusen takk! Meditasjonene gir glede, undring, trygghet. Har kjent kroppslige reaksjoner, men aller helst begeistring over at underbevisstheten min kokkelerer med de nye innsiktene og ingrediensene. Gleder meg til forsettelsen:):)

Marit S.
Nydelig egentid

Har mange av Susannes healinger, de hjelper meg veldig til å koble av og av og til kjenner jeg noen strømninger støt eller rykninger som jeg ikke kjenner til normalt om jeg bare ligger og slapper av.

Marius L.

Kraftfull og levende!
Denne meditasjonen traff virkelig! Susannes berolige stemme, sammen med kreftene fra guidene merkes fra første stund. Forløsningene kom i form av latter, gråt og intuitive bevegelser i hele kroppen!

Finn din fødselsvisjon

Det kribler under føttene, og det kommer varmebølger gjennom kroppen, så noe er det som skjer. Så nå venter jeg på at det skal bli tydeligere for meg hva som er min fødselsvisjon.


Dette er meditasjoner som tar alt til et helt annet nivå enn andre "vanlige" meditasjoner. Vanskelig å både forklare og forstå - det må bare oppleves og aksepteres som noe stort, sjelsettende, utenfor vår fatteevne. Noe alle burde få tilgang til og mulighet til å bruke på sin kjærlighetsvei, mot en større bevissthet og dypere takknemlighet for alt som ér. Anbefales på det sterkeste.